General Information
Our program hours are 8:30am to 1:30pm Monday through Friday. You are welcome to arrive at a time which is convenient for you. Please call us if you are going to especially late. If we do not hear from you, and you are not here, we will start calling you after 10am.
We also provide after care everyday. You are welcome to contract for aftercare and pick up at 3:30pm, 4:30pm or 5:30pm. We have room for six children each afternoon. Any family with a contract gets priority space for after care, and if there is space, other families can arrange to “drop in”
Read the calendar to find out when we will be closed for holidays. Our summer program will begin in June. We expect families to contract through May. In June we will begin to have sessions, each two weeks. You will have a chance to sign up for however many you will need.